Margie and Paris had a great morning filming a cupcake demo with Larry and Kylie on the Morning Show - even if Cat and Betty did have to rush over there to deliver some very important equipment they'd left behind in the office! Don't worry if you missed it, the segment should be up to view by tomorrow at
In course news we are currently running the brand new Basics 105 Double tier wedding cake for the first time in Sydney (stay tuned next week for photo's) and last weekend we held the oh-so-fab 2 tier suitcase workshop - I love this one! We also kicked off the Christmas season with the Christmas Cake workshop in Melbourne.

Now, I promised you some absolute crackers this week (quite apt considering it is the Christmas season after all) so for those of you from Sydney, here are some fabulously bright cakes to brighten up this pretty miserable week.
Do you give scholarships to those who want to be students at your school?
As always, amazing cakes!!
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