Greg Cleary will be arriving this week for 2 x back to back 3 day sugar flower workshops, his facilitator will be the lovely Anna Maria Roche and the workshops are booked out. It is so lovely to have such a dear friend return to Planet Cake, I personally cannot wait for the workshops to begin!
Margie created an amazing birthday cake this week for Spice News ~ great work by Margie and a seriously impressive cake

I would like to introduce our latest casual staff member Stuart Girling, Stuart started as a Facilitator on Sunday assisting Jessica with her Basics 102 class, he did a fabulous job and will be facilitating many more classes in the future, great work Stuart, welcome aboard! Stuart has been decorating for well over a year he has a history as a Chef and we were introduced to Stuart when he attended the Foundation workshop last year, he has a great eye and unique creative perspective, I am confident he will become a valuable addition to our team.

I would like to give a special thank you Anna Maria in the last 2 weeks she has taught and 3 new workshops and the Madhatter, these are all at our most advanced level for our most advanced students, she not only performed very well but her workshops in terms of design, timing and outcomes were spot on, thank you very much Anna Maria, I have already started receiving feedback from delighted students and I am sure there will be much more, to my knowledge there is no decorating school in the world that is pumping our this level of complexity and quality with such incredible results, I feel exceptionally proud. I would also like to compliment our students who really stepped up to the plate and attempted their workshops with the creative and professional attitude required at this level of cake decorating, the results speak for themselves, and in their own right were exceptionally good and will become positive advocates for our craft.
Basics Masters – Topsy Turvey

Basics 109 – Madhatter

Finally the week ended with one of my most memorable occasions at Planet Cake thus far as Norita Abdullah and Linda Harden graduate from the Basics Series, completing every single one of the 10 workshops to become Planet Cake Master’s, this effectively means they have received training for every modern cake shape with exception or the hexagon.
Have a great week everyone, I very much look forward to an exciting week ahead!
Paris x