We did a celebrity cake which unfortunately we cannot show you, however we also made a lot of other cute cakes.
I have included this cake by AM not b/c its complex, but just b/c it’s a great example of how effective a simple cake can be, right image, right colours, right execution

Margie’s magical adventures with Pooh, Eye Ore, Piglet and Tigger – what an amazing cake!

Finally what baseball girl wouldn’t like this cake, I am feeling sporty just looking at it (for a millisecond)

More workshops next week, Basics 105 (2 tier suitcase) with Anna Maria and Basics 106(springtime) with Handi, the courses will then be continuing for a few weeks. I will be off to hospital on Thursday to have my wisdom tooth removed so I will not be posting next weekend...boooo

More workshops next week, Basics 105 (2 tier suitcase) with Anna Maria and Basics 106(springtime) with Handi, the courses will then be continuing for a few weeks. I will be off to hospital on Thursday to have my wisdom tooth removed so I will not be posting next weekend...boooo