2010 sees a new era for Planet Cake as we continue to push boundaries to bring you the most innovative, unique, and let’s face it, just plain cool cakes.
One of the major challenges of our job here is the process of turning a concept into a cake. While our guys ARE the best, sometimes they have to perform minor miracles for this to happen. This fabulous self-designed seventh birthday cake, by a very talented young boy who had a great time working with Antony at PC, is a great example of the process from

…to cake!

Next up this week, is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it’s Margie and her amazing realistic Superman figurines! While she makes it look like a piece of cake (pardon the pun, even I have to admit that one was pretty bad!), realistic figurines like this can take up to three days to create, although we think the end result is well worth it!

We love a unique wedding cake at PC, and this one created for a couple of big Superman fans is no exception