Thea here, you new resident Planet Cake blogger, here to deliver fresh from the horses mouth all the behind the scenes goss, glamour and sugar from the world of cake decorating.
What with all our jetsetting, celeb appearances it's been a while since we've had a chance to fill you in, so...deep breath, here we go...
After the champagne and glamour come down from our glitzy awards night, we launched ourselves straight back into the thick of it beginning with this gob-smacking cake by Margie and Anna Maria to help NIDA celebrate their 50th Birthday gala. This was a feat of cake engineering, and (call me a little bias here) but this has to be one of the most spectacular Madhatter's ever created!

Next up Paris and her team of "Spice Girls" wowed the crowds at the Cake Decorators Association of NSW, before exhibiting at the Ultimate Wedding Planers Party, where we were able to catch a sneak preview of some up and coming wedding trends (watch this space guys, this Summer's trends are going to be amazing!)
There have been some really exciting cakes this month including a monumental six-tier Wedgewood which filled the bellies (and hips) of over 600 guests, cupcakes for The Morning Show's Kylie Gillies to celebrate her appearance in the finals of Dancing With The Stars:

The last week has been pretty crazy in here with the Planet Cake team all over the country! Paris has secured us a great venue in Brisbane before headingto Melbourne where along with Fran and Rouvelee they represented Planet Cake at the Royal Melbourne Show where we were also sponsers this year. It was a great weekend, and our guys were met with a fantastic reception, and our very own Fran won third place with her gorgeous Madhatter

Lastly I'd like to finish up with a few lovely words from one of our very good friends here at Planet Cake, Julie who completed several of our classes. Julie we have loved having you here and would be extremely proud to call your amazing wedding cake one of our own!:
"I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU to all of you and let you know lucky I am to have been able to make the journey through the Planet Cake world...The journey has now turned into an obsession, as the realisation hits, that my work is changing. My confidence is growing. My attitude is different. All this has come about, as I watch and learn through every course that I take...While creating this cake I remember each lesson I have had, and the words of encouragement given, and am grateful for the role each of you has played in my Cake Journey".